Saturday, February 19, 2011

Waterlow Park

Waterlow Park entrance


I wandered into Waterlow Park after a visit to Highgate Cemetery, which is its closest neighbour to on two sides. 

As much as I love the cemetery it can become a bit overwhelming, even gloomy, if you spend a whole day walking about between the graves so Waterlow Park with it ponds, lawns and open landscape came as a welcome change.

Waterlow might not be as spectacular but it is lovely it its own right and there were plenty of people around even if the weather was still quite cold and grey. 

The park was bequeathed to the public as garden for the gardenless in 1889 by Sir Sydney Waterlow, who also used to own Lauderdale House inside the park.

Lauderdale House with a sundial in front

Today. Lauderdale house is an arts and education centre that operates a cafĂ© as well. When I stopped by they had Roxana Halls' 'Tingle-Tangle and Other Tales' on, an exhibition examining cabaret through various media: film, painting, photography, even cabaret set pieces. 

Check out her website in the 'about'-section to see examples from this cool show and learn more about the artist. 

Unfortunately, I was in a hurry on this particular day, but I'm definitely keeping an eye out for Roxana Halls in the future.

Last stanza of 'The Garden' on a bronze plaque in Waterlow Park

As I left I took a look at the sundial and discovered that there was a quote from Andrew Marvell's 'The Garden' beside it on a plague. This sent my mind wondering... it was the first poem I had to analyse as an English student at Copenhagen back in 2005. What a strange coincidence

The poet is thought to have lived in a cottage once within the park. It is no longer there, I looked quite extensively for it...

Ducks in the pond

I inspected the terraced garden, guarded by large stone eagles, close to Lauderdale House and walked along the middle pond, which as the name suggests, is in the centre of the park.  

Copper roof on the dome of St. Joseph's Church.
Before I left I passed the kitchen gardens in one corner of the park, but in February there was of course not much to see. Perhaps it's time for another visit soon.   


Closest tube: Archway, Highgate

Waterlow Park is open from 7.30 until dusk.

Waterlow Park

Lauderdale House

Roxana Halls


  1. Hi Sophie, Your post brought back many happy memories of playing in Waterlow Park with my friends as a child in the 195o's. I am preparing an article on family memories of the park for my own blog which is devoted to the history of my family ( wondering if you'd give permission for me to use one or two of your excellent photographs. I would, of course, give you full credit and link to your article. Regards, Ernest Harris

  2. Sorry, meant to add that my e-mail address is in the title picture on my blog.
